Eco Oil

Eco Oil is a registered miticide and insecticide. It controls a range of problem insects including scale, aphids, two-spotted mite, whitefly, mealybugs and citrus leafminer. Safe for use on vegetables and ornamentals, with no withholding period. Spray and eat on the same day! Also safe for beneficial insects like bees, ladybeetles and earthworms.

Eco Oil is now ‘Hippo Enhanced’!

HIPPO enhanced eco oil is a revolutionary approach to pest control and is the results of a 3 year research project with Charles Sturt University.

The project investigated the natural defense mechanisms of plants, in particular the way plants produce volatile organic compounds when attacked by pests. These compounds act as SOS messages to beneficial insects letting them know that tasty snacks are on nearby plants!  A whole range of beneficial insects are attracted including ladybeetles, lacewings, hoverflies and parasitoids.

The HIPPO Enhanced Eco Oil formulation replicates this defense mechanism by including these organic compounds into the spray. The research clearly showed that the HIPPO Enhanced Eco Oil will attract beneficial insects into the garden.

So use HIPPO Enhanced Eco Oil to kill those troublesome pests and at the same time it will attract beneficial insects to help get your garden ecosystem into better balance.

  • 100% Plant Oils – no petrochemicals
  • Kills a broad range of common pest insects but remains safe for beneficial insects
  • Attracts beneficial insects
  • Effective at low usage rates
  • Reduced risk of foliage burn
  • Perfect organic control in the vegetable garden
  • No withholding period
  • Australian Organic
  • Made in Australia from Australian grown ingredients
  • GM Free


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

750 ml RTU, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre